

Here are the assets for the 2025 Minneapolis event by Steven Stwalley. Feel free to alter as necessary to promote your local events (or just draw your own):

2025 Mini-Comics Day Logo and Art Assets


International Cartoonist Conspiracy Logo

Here are the assets for the 2013 Minneapolis event by 2012 Stapler Award Winner Athena Currier. Feel free to alter as necessary to promote your local events (or just draw your own):

Mini-Comics Day 2013 Minneapolis Poster

Here are the assets for the 2012 Minneapolis event by 2011 Stapler Award Winner Dan Murphy. Feel free to alter as necessary to promote your local events (or just draw your own):

Mini-Comics Day 2012 Minneapolis Poster

Mini-Comics Day 2012 Minneapolis Flyers


How to Make Mini-Comics by The International Cartoonist Conspiracy

Here is an article on making mini-comics from Big Time Attic.

Here is an article on making mini-comics on The Comics Reporter.


NEW! A single-page template for producing 8, 16 or 32-page mini-comics

8-Page Mini-Comic Template

16-Page Mini-Comic Template


Here is a list of mini-comics distributors I am aware of. If you know of others please let us know!

Optical Sloth

Poopsheet Shop

The Mini-Comics Co-op (for trading)

Elephant Eater’s List of Mini-Comics Distributors

Distribution overview from Comix Tribe

A retailer’s tips on selling mini-comics


Poopsheet Foundation

Size Matters: The Mini-Comics Blog

After That! (formerly Copy This!)


Mice Mini Grants


Steve Willis

Matt Feazell

Further resources listed at The Comics Reporter.

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